HTTP Handlers

HEPTAconnect exposes HTTP endpoints by portals. Handling of these HTTP handlers can be tuned for e.g. debugging.

Debugging dumps of HTTP messages

HEPTAconnect ships a request-response dump feature for HTTP handlers using request attributes defined in \Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Core\Web\Http\Contract\HttpHandleServiceInterface. This attribute is already set by features provided by bridges e.g. using a sampling rate.

Dump format

The dumped HTTP messages are formatted using the Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\Base\Web\Http\Contract\Psr7MessageFormatterContract service. You can override this service definition to change the formatting of the dumped messages. Without any changes the dumped messages are in a raw HTTP format, so it could be used together with nc (netcat), openssl or telnet to replay the requests. As the named tools do just TCP and do not fully perform HTTP, beware that you have to provide the TCP connection information like host and port yourself. If you want to replay messages with curl you can use the Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\Base\Web\Http\Contract\Psr7MessageCurlShellFormatterContract service instead. Read here about recording. The dumped request can be passed into the standard input using shell pipes:

The HTTP request dump can be opened and replayed in IDEs from JetBrains like WebStorm and PHPStorm and Microsoft Visual Studio (17.5+ required).

cat dump.http | netcat localhost 80 # Linux
cat dump.http | nc localhost 80 # macOS
cat dump.http | netcat --ssl localhost 443 # Linux to an HTTPS secured server
cat dump.http | openssl s_client -connect localhost:443
telnet localhost 80 # paste file content

Trigger dumps

If you want to introduce a new trigger to dump HTTP messages, you can decorate the \Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Core\Web\Http\Contract\HttpHandleServiceInterface service. Combining triggers of other development tools like SPX or Xdebug is a helpful approach. Read about the integration of SPX here and about the integration of Xdebug here. Adjusting the trigger to your needs is a good way to reduce the amount of dumped messages. We also provide an example to show how to dump HTTP messages only on errors.