First time HEPTAconnect with Shopware 6


When you choose to use a Shopware 6 as environment you have:

  • Shopware 6 integration, commandline and administration
  • Preconfigured Shopware 6 portal node (alias shopware)
  • Preconfigured Bottle portal node (alias bottle)
  • Preconfigured administration credentials (user admin password shopware)

Check system

To have your first Shopware 6 setup in your playground copy you need to fulfil the following requirements:

  • PHP 7.4+
  • Composer 2+
  • At least 256MB memory limit for PHP processes
  • Shopware 6 suitable database (e.g. MySQL 5.7, see their requirements)

When you have an environment that supports hosting of a PHP application you can point it to the directory as root shopware-platform/public. The default settings for the database credentials are:

  • userroot
  • passwordroot
  • hostlocalhost
  • port3306
  • databaseheptaconnect_shopware_platform

When this differs from your available database you can change an environment variable to override the default connection.

Either change the entry in the shopware-platform/.env or export that statement for a single shell session.

Set up the playground

Now when the prerequisites are met you can run:

make shopware-platform
and watch your shop set up automatically. Later on you have a Shopware 6 CLI available at shopware-platform/bin/shopware. When you configured hosting you can use the shopware administration under your URL /admin.

Keep in mind that this Shopware does not run any queue workers by default. In case you want to transfer data in that environment you have to run:

shopware-platform/bin/shopware messenger:consume