Explorer decoration

A portal extension allows further customizations in behaviour. This includes changing the discovery of elements.


A decorating explorer can list additional entries and skip unwanted entries.


Decorating explorers must follow the same basics as normal explorers so be sure to read the explorer explanation page first. The main difference is in their registration.

Implementing run in an explorer decorator like this will add further elements to the exploration process.

protected function run(ExploreContextInterface $context): iterable
    $credentials = $context->getConfig()['credentials'];
    $client = new ApiClient($credentials);

    foreach ($client->getOtherBottles() as $bottle)
        $entity = new Bottle();
        $entity->setPrimaryKey((string) $bottle['id']);

        yield $entity;

The explorer will iterate over the result of $client->getOtherBottles() and construct a data set entity for every item. The primary key is set and the entity is then yielded.

For a scenario to skip elements that should not be discovered anymore by the extended portal you have to implement isAllowed instead of run. Any explored item will be passed to the allowance check through every decorator. In the following example we only allow bottles that contain caffeinated beverages.

protected function isAllowed(string $externalId, ?DatasetEntityContract $entity, ExploreContextInterface $context): bool
    $credentials = $context->getConfig()['credentials'];
    $client = new ApiClient($credentials);

    return $client->getBottleAdditives($externalId)->contains('caffeine');