
This is all about the guidelines to structure a dataset. Be sure to know then general thoughts and requirements to be a HEPTAconnect developer.


It is recommended to add the keyword heptaconnect-dataset to the composer package that provides a dataset. This way more people can easily find your dataset on packagist. A common composer.json for a dataset providing package may look like this:

    "name": "acme/heptaconnect-dataset-bottle",
    "description": "HEPTAconnect dataset package to provide bottles",
    "type": "library",
    "keywords": [
    "require": {
        "php": ">=7.4",
        "heptacom/heptaconnect-dataset-base": ">=1"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Acme\\Dataset\\Bottle\\": "src/"


Datasets describe a collection of structures that express common properties of familiar complex structures. These are the building blocks for portals. A dataset should be as common as possible. You don't have to include all possibilities at once.

In case of describing data about bottles a single bottle can be described as the following:

namespace Acme\Dataset\Bottle;

use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Dataset\Base\Contract\DatasetEntityContract;

class Bottle extends DatasetEntityContract
    protected Volume $capacity;

    protected LabelCollection $labels;

    protected Cap $cap;

    protected BottleShape $shape;

    /* getters and setters */

It is important to use the base class DatasetEntity and use protected fields for internal processing in HEPTAconnect to work.

There are supporting classes to build up structures to use throughout any dataset. As internationalization (i18n) faces everyone during a data transport we offer helpful types to make translatable fields easier to handle.

namespace Acme\Dataset\Bottle;

use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Dataset\Base\Contract\DatasetEntityContract;
use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Dataset\Base\Translatable\TranslatableString;

class Label extends DatasetEntityContract
    protected TranslatableString $text;

    protected string $color;

As php does not offer generics every collection is missing the information about the types managed within the list of data. To ensure correct data in arrays and add type hinting for IDEs we provide tooling around typed collections. They contain psalm hints about types and just have to know the contents type to work. Types like StringCollection, IntegerCollection and DateTimeCollection are already shipped in the dataset base to help building up a custom dataset very quickly.

namespace Acme\Dataset\Bottle;

use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Dataset\Base\DatasetEntityCollection;

class LabelCollection extends DatasetEntityCollection
    protected function getT(): string
        return Label::class;

The usage of typed enumerations is discouraged as these are very difficult to impossible to extend. We prefer to use constant strings. In best case it is just a UUID as value. This way the string value can receive new values if anyone needs to extend your dataset later on.

Extend datasets with attachments

A dataset is sometimes not able to hold data that is needed for an integration to work. The dataset author might have not thought of this case or evaluated it as an edge case. In these situations you are able to extend dataset entities. To provide additional data for the bottle entity you have to create a custom structure that holds the additional data you need. A data extension can be any class that implements the AttachableInterface. They can be attached to an existing entity using the attach method. The DatasetEntityContract already implements this interface, so existing entities can be plugged into another entity with just a few actions.

namespace Acme\Dataset\Bottle;

use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Dataset\Base\Contract\AttachableInterface;

class BottleContent implements AttachableInterface
    protected Volume $capacity;

$bottle = new Bottle();
$bottle->attach(new BottleContent());