
HTTP client that wraps around the PSR-18 Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface with configurable behaviour for common use-cases.


You can get the service by id Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\Base\Web\Http\Contract\HttpClientContract. It is preconfigured to throw exceptions for status codes between 400 and 599, follow redirects up to 20 times and retry twice in case of an error or rate limit.



Get the request header configurations that are applied to any request unless they are already present.


Set the request header configurations that are applied to any request unless they are already present. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Get the HTTP response status codes that will throw an exception.


Add HTTP response status codes that will throw an exception. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Remove HTTP response status codes, so they will not throw an exception. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Get the number of automatically followed redirects. Defaults to 0.


Sets the number of automatically followed redirects. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Get the number of automatically processed retries. Defaults to 0.


Sets the number of automatically processed retries. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Get the maximum time in seconds allowed to wait between retries per HTTP status code.


Add the maximum time allowed timeout in seconds for an HTTP status code. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.


Remove the wait timeout for an HTTP status code. As it returns a new instance of itself, you SHOULD process its return value.