
There are several types of classes or entities referenced throughout this documentation. To have a uniform understanding of their meanings they are listed here with a short definition and explanation.

Flow components


An Explorer reads ids from the source and publishes them for emission. This is suitable for initial object discovery in the data source and successive data transfer via emissions.


An Emitter reads data from the endpoint or data storage of a PortalNode, prepares the data in a structured form and then emits these structs. When it is asked to read data, a collection of Mappings is passed to its emit method. It is the Emitters job to connect to its data source and read the data (identified by the passed Mappings). The data should then be structured as a collection of MappedDatasetEntityStructs and returned or yielded.

Direct Emitter

An Explorer that does the work like an Emitter as it reads and yields complete objects instead of ids from the source and release them for emission. This is suitable for faster object transfer or transfer that is triggered only by the source portal.


A Receiver receives a collection of DatasetEntities and writes the data to the endpoint or data storage of a PortalNode. When it is asked to write data, it traverses over the given collection, writes the data and retrieves an external identifier from the endpoint of the PortalNode. This identifier is then set in the given mapping and the collection of mappings is returned or yielded.


A Portal is the implementation of an endpoint to connect it via HEPTAconnect. When you want to provide connectivity for an external API or some other form of data storage, you implement a portal. So a portal is just a name for the composition of code (e.g. a composer package) that is necessary for HEPTAconnect to communicate with an endpoint.


A Portal is not the connection to an endpoint but the implementation of an endpoint. A Portal can then be configured with customizable fields. These fields may hold information like API-URLs, user credentials, file locations and so on. A configured Portal that is ready to communicate to an endpoint or data storage is called a PortalNode. A single Portal can potentially be used for many PortalNodes.


The PortalRegistry is provided by HEPTAconnect and can be used as a factory for PortalNodes. When a component has an identifier of a PortalNode and needs the corresponding instance to interact with it, this service should be used to retrieve the instance.


The Bridge implements the core functionality in a certain environment by providing services for behaviours of the core that are dependent on the runtime of the surrounding application. As HEPTAconnect is environment agnostic it is not specified by default which database server, ORM, message broker, request cycle manager, request routing or file storage is in use.


The Publisher is a central service that can be accessed by a Bridge to create Mappings for new entities. Publishing means, you target one specific object inside one specific PortalNode and have HEPTAconnect create a Mapping for it. The Publisher will prepare and schedule the freshly created Mapping for the Emitter. This happens asynchronously, so a Publisher will not take up a lot of computing time and it can be called during a web request with minimal performance impact.


A Morpher is a special form of PortalNode. Morphers can receive various data types and store the entities temporarily. When certain conditions are met, the Morpher triggers its own Emitter to emit processed data. This could be used to collect different aspects of an entity and resolve dependencies. A Morpher could e.g. collect orders, addresses and customers and keep the data to itself until every sub-entity of the order has been received (a. k. a. all dependencies are resolved). After that the Morpher will emit a compound DatasetEntity with all the necessary data.


A Packer is a class that supports Flow components like Direct Emitter and Emitter packing API specific data into DatasetEntities. This naming has been really helpful in the past to find the right entrypoint when extending other portals. There is no interface or contract to follow.


An Unpacker is a class that supports Flow components like Receiver unpacking DatasetEntities into portal API specific payloads. This naming has been really helpful in the past to find the right entrypoint when extending other portals. There is no interface or contract to follow.


A Dataset is a collection of common data structs that various Portals can rely on. There are different Datasets for different use cases and even some compound Datasets (e.g. ecommerce) that consist of multiple smaller Datasets (e.g. physical-location). Datasets are required by Portals to have a shared understanding of data and to establish communication between them.


A single entity in a Dataset is called a DatasetEntity. They are used to have a common data structure to pass objects from one Portal to another. Effectively a Portal does not need to know other Portals but simply work with DatasetEntities that other Portals also work with. This way any two Portals that share support for common Datasets can be connected.


A Mapping is used to identify an entity in a PortalNode. It has an external identifier that points to the foreign entity, a PortalNode identifier that points to the PortalNode and a MappingNode. A mapping can also exist without an external identifier when the goal is to describe the connection between a DatasetEntity and a PortalNode before the foreign entity exists in the PortalNode. In practise this is used with Receivers when the foreign entity is yet to be created. HEPTAconnect will prepare a Mapping with the PortalNode identifier and a MappingNode but it will leave the external identifier empty. During a reception taking place in a Receiver the entities receive primary keys after they've been sent to the portal's API. After the Receiver finished its reception, any assigned primary key is passed to the management storage, which will store these external identifiers as mapping.


A MappingNode is used to associate various Mappings for different PortalNodes with each other. While one Mapping only points to a single foreign entity in a PortalNode, this is not enough to connect entities of different PortalNodes with each other. Every Mapping must have exactly one MappingNode, while one MappingNode can have multiple Mappings.

Identity Redirect

An identity redirect has two mapping representations where one mapping points to another mapping with the aspect, that these mappings do not have to exist in the storage. It is used to bypass the singularity aspect of a mapping node and allows to connect multiple mappings on one portal node to a single mapping on a different portal node.


The Router is a central point in the data flow between different PortalNodes. When an Emitter emits a collection of DatasetEntities, the Router will search for matching Routes with the corresponding PortalNode as source. It will then pass the collection of DatasetEntities to every PortalNode that is specified as target in these Routes.


A Route defines a direction for data to flow from one PortalNode to another. After setting up various PortalNodes it is necessary to create some Routes. A Route has a source, a target and a data type.


HEPTAconnect requires a form of storage in order to be functional. The storage is used to keep track of mappings, configurations and other data that is relevant to the system. All access to a storage provider is abstracted in the storage base and the core only relies on these interfaces.


The storage provider alone has data sovereignty over the keys that are used to persist entities in the data storage. Keys can be obtained by a factory that is provided by the storage provider. A Key is a small data structure that is a valid identifier in its origin storage (e.g. an auto-incremented integer or a UUIDv4). The existence of a Key itself guarantees its validity.