
A receiver is a flow component that has the job to take incoming entities from HEPTAconnect, convert them into API specific structures and write the API payload into its portal's data source.


Receivers must implement the ReceiverContract. Every receiver must define which data type it supports. In the following example we see a receiver that supports the data type Bottle.

public function supports(): string
    return Bottle::class;

The run method receives a completely filled entity and must set a primary key to the entity after successful writing it to the portal's data source.

protected function run(DatasetEntityContract $entity, ReceiveContextInterface $context): void
    $credentials = $context->getConfig()['credentials'];
    $client = new ApiClient($credentials);

    if ($entity->getPrimaryKey()) {
        $client->updateBottle($entity->getPrimaryKey(), [
            'capacity' => $entity->getCapactity()->getAmount(),
            'shape' => $entity->getShape()->getType(),
            'labels' => $entity->getLabels()->column('getText'),
    } else {
        $id = $client->createBottle([
            'capacity' => $entity->getCapactity()->getAmount(),
            'shape' => $entity->getShape()->getType(),
            'labels' => $entity->getLabels()->column('getText'),

To run the process in a batch pattern you can also implement batch instead.

protected function batch(TypedDatasetEntityCollection $entities, ReceiveContextInterface $context): void
    $commands = $entities->map(static fn (Bottle $b): array => [
        'id' => $b->getPrimaryKey(),
        'capacity' => $entity->getCapactity()->getAmount(),
        'shape' => $entity->getShape()->getType(),
        'labels' => $entity->getLabels()->column('getText'),

    $credentials = $context->getConfig()['credentials'];
    $client = new ApiClient($credentials);
    $results = $client->upsertBottles($commands);

    foreach ($entities as $step => $bottle) {