Portal nodes

Portal nodes are the data turning points in an HEPTAconnect instance. This is where the magic happens. Multiple nodes of a single portal can exist next to each other and connect to different types and instances of APIs.

How to create portal nodes

Portal nodes are instances of different portals. A portal is the set of code that is used to transform common HEPTAconnect structures from and into data source specific structures. When a portal node is created it can now receive configuration to access the data source and can be used for setting up data routes. At first the list of portals should be queried using the heptaconnect:portal:list command to see what kind of portal nodes can be created. The output can look like this:



The command heptaconnect:portal-node:add is used to instantiate a node of a specific portal.

bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:add 'Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\LocalShopwarePlatform\Portal'

It also allows to create a portal node with a rememberable alias as well:

bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:add `Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Portal\LocalShopwarePlatform\Portal` shopware_local

As output of the command you will receive the created primary key of the portal node which often looks like this PortalNode:01234567890abcdef01234567890abcd. The portal node key and an assigned alias can be used later on in other calls when you create data routes or inform yourself about the status of a portal node.

How to configure portal nodes

When the development team integrated additional configuration sources there are probably setup notes about it. This might invalidate some of the following samples.

Portal nodes often need API credentials or filenames to operate. To read the initial configuration the command heptaconnect:portal-node:config:get is used. Its output is json and can either be a single value or the complete configuration set:

bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:get PortalNode:01234567890abcdef01234567890abcd --pretty
bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:get shopware_local --pretty
    "dal_indexing_mode": "none"


bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:get PortalNode:01234567890abcdef01234567890abcd dal_indexing_mode`
bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:get shopware_local dal_indexing_mode`

This displays the information of the indexing mode of the underlying API client. A similar command can be used to change this configuration heptaconnect:portal-node:config:set:

bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:set PortalNode:01234567890abcdef01234567890abcd dal_indexing_mode queue`
bin/console heptaconnect:portal-node:config:set shopware_local dal_indexing_mode queue`

As we are using JSON as serialization it is convenient for automated setups.

Further reading

After you set up multiple portal nodes you can use them in data routing and setup status tracking.